JURNAL CAPITAL : Kebijakan Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital <p>Jurnal CAPITAL adalah sebuah jurnal ilmiah yang dapat diakses secara terbuka untuk para akademisi, peneliti, mahasiswa, dosen dan praktisi frofesional yang diterbitkan oleh STIE Semarang.&nbsp;Jurnal CAPITAL merupakan publikasi berkala (dua kali setahun, terbit pada bulan Juni dan Desember) dengan tujuan utama untuk menyebarluaskan temuan-temuan ilmiah di bidang Kebijakan Ekonomi, Manajemen dan akuntansi.&nbsp;Jurnal Capital diindeks oleh&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?hl=en&amp;authuser=1&amp;user=H3ph-jkAAAAJ">Google Scholar,</a>&nbsp;dan beberapa pengindeks lain.</p> Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Semarang en-US JURNAL CAPITAL : Kebijakan Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi 2723-1054 CHALLENGES OF THE SECRETARY PROFESSION IN THE DIGITAL ERA https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/218 <p><em>In today's digital era, the world is experiencing changes and adaptations in facing the challenges and opportunities offered by information and communication technology. The development of technology, especially in the digital era, has become the main driving force in changing all aspects of society, including the secretary profession. This rapid technological progress is a challenge as well as an opportunity for company development. Every individual is required to be able to follow the developments of this increasingly sophisticated era. Likewise with secretaries, they must also blend in and adapt to the developments of the existing digital era. However, there are several challenges that need to be overcome in adapting to the digital world. This article analyzes the influence of the digital era on the transformation of secretarial work, with a focus on the challenges that arise in the digital era.</em></p> V. Naniek Risnawati A. Lipursari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 6 2 1 10 10.33747/capital.v6i2.218 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING CULTURE IN IMPROVING HUMAN RESOURCE PERFORMANCE https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/228 <p>This study uses an associative explanatory approach to examine the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture that supports learning, and the performance of DPRD Experts at the Secretariat of the Central Java Provincial Council. The study population involved 120 experts, with the entire population sampled through the census method. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1 to 5 and analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method.</p> <p>The results of the analysis show that all proposed hypotheses are accepted. This indicates a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership, organizational learning culture, and expert performance. The more effective the implementation of transformational leadership, the better the development of learning culture in the organization. A strong learning culture also significantly improves expert performance.</p> <p>This finding underscores the importance of transformational leadership in promoting continuous learning in the organizational environment. Effective leadership not only strengthens the learning culture, but also has a direct impact on improving overall HR performance. In other words, good implementation of transformational leadership can be a catalyst for creating a productive and innovative work environment, which ultimately supports the achievement of organizational goals.</p> Kirun Stiyoaji Raflian Alviki Radisha Ahmad Zainul Muttaqin Restu Afrianto Rahman Ratih Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 6 2 11 30 10.33747/capital.v6i2.228 OPINI AUDIT GOING CONCERN: MENGURAI FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/235 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>A going concern audit opinion is issued by auditors to determine whether a company can sustain its operations. Auditors are responsible for evaluating whether there is significant doubt about the entity's ability to continue as a going concern.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><em>Research findings indicate that financial condition has a significant influence on the going concern audit opinion, whereas company size and auditor reputation do not have a significant impact. Auditors should consider management policies, auditor experience, and corporate governance factors when determining a going concern audit opinion.</em></p> Marhamah marhamah Ariyani Indriastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 31 41 10.33747/capital.v6i2.235 ANALISIS PENGARUH PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT DAN KEADILAN ORGANISASI TERHADAP KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/233 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>Competition in the business world is increasingly tight and competitive and achieves maximum profit. This study aims to determine the effect of perceived organizational support and organizational justice on organizational commitment. The independent variables are perceived organizational support (X1), organizational justice (X2) and the dependent variable is organizational commitment (Y).</em></p> <p><em>The population of this study was all 811 employees of PT Sam Kyung Jaya Busana in Boyolali Regency and the sample was 89 people. The data collection technique was a quantitative method using a questionnaire. For instrument testing using the Validity, Reliability, and Classical Assumption Tests. For data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis methods with t-tests, Model Feasibility tests and Determination Coefficients (R2).</em></p> <p><em>The results of the study using multiple linear regression show the following regression equation: Y = 0.386 + 0.539X1 + 0.449X2. From the t-test, it is known that the Perceived Organizational Support variable has a significant positive effect on the organizational commitment variable, the organizational justice variable has a significant positive effect on the organizational commitment variable.</em></p> <p><em>The main suggestion for Organizational Leaders is to be able to motivate employees to master their work well according to supervisory directions with an orientation towards the results to be achieved later.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> Yolanda Ardestya Linanjung Heri Natoil Marsha Ayunita Irawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 42 58 10.33747/capital.v6i2.233 PENGARUH EMPOWERMENT DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI KELURAHAN GISIKGRONO, KOTA SEMARANG https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/232 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>This research aims to analyze the influence of empowerment and the work environment on employee performance. The population in this study were </em><em>40</em><em> employees of Gisikdrono subdistrict, Semarang City. The sampling technique in this research used census sampling, namely using all sub-district employees in Gisikdrono District, Semarang City, totaling 40 people as the research sample. The analytical tools in this research include instrument tests (validity test, reliability test), classical assumption tests (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test), multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing via t test, f test, and coefficient of determination test. The results of this research prove that empowerment has a coefficient on employee performance</em> <em>regression in a positive direction and a significance value of 0.049 &lt; 0.05, meaning that empowerment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and the work environment on employee performance obtained a regression coefficient in a positive direction and a significance value of 0.017 &lt; 0.05, meaning that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The adj r2 value obtained was 0.583, which means that 58.3% of the variation in employee performance can be explained by independent variables such as empowerment and work environment. The conclusion of this research is that the empowerment and work environment variables have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The suggestion of this research is that it is hoped that leaders in the Gisikdrono sub-district, Semarang, can optimize employee competency development training and implement knowledge sharing programs well so that competency and</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><em>The work experience of seniors can be conveyed well by juniors so that employees have a strong determination to complete the work.</em></p> Evinta Amalia Nurhidayah Sinar Hubtriyan Ade ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 59 72 10.33747/capital.v6i2.232 PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PRIBADI : RELIGIUSITAS DAN FINTECH PAYMENT (STUDI PADA MAHASISWA FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS WAHID HASYIM SEMARANG) https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/230 <p>Manajemen keuangan pribadi memantau bagaimana seseorang menggunakan uang, termasuk menganggarkan, membelanjakan, menabung, dan berinvestasi (Bamforth et al., 2018). Sikap boros mahasiswa dan generasi muda membuat pengelolaan keuangan menjadi sulit. Hal ini dikarenakan mahasiswa memiliki pola pikir yang lebih terbuka, memiliki pergaulan yang luas dan beragam, serta memperhatikan faktor gengsi, sehingga banyak mengeluarkan uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Pengelolaan keuangan mahasiswa diketahui dipengaruhi oleh religiusitas dan <em>fintech payment</em>. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh religiusitas dan <em>fintech payment</em> terhadap manajemen keuangan mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, meliputi pengumpulan data kuesioner secara online dan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak aplikasi SPSS. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa aktif FEB Universitas Wahid Hasyim Semarang tahun 2024 yang berjumlah 1.875. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa religiusitas dan <em>fintech payment</em> berpengaruh signifikan terhadap manajemen keuangan pribadi mahasiswa. Religiusitas berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap manajemen keuangan mahasiswa. <em>Fintech payment</em> berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap manajemen keuangan mahasiswa.</p> Beladona Inandia Sutresno Putri Putra Noviawan Ramadhani Fitria Rohmatika Ratih Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 73 86 10.33747/capital.v6i2.230 TRANSFORMASI RANTAI PASOK DIGITAL: TANTANGAN, PELUANG, DAN STRATEGI DI ERA DIGITALISASI https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/229 <p>Dalam lingkungan yang kompleks dan dinamis saat ini, digitalisasi telah menjadi fenomena transformasi yang mengubah berbagai industri di seluruh dunia. Lebih dari 90% pengguna internet telah melakukan pembelian online, dan 40% perusahaan memanfaatkan alat analitik big data canggih. Rantai pasok digital (<em>Digital Supply Chain</em>) muncul sebagai inovasi signifikan, bertransisi dari rantai pasok tradisional ke jaringan terintegrasi berbasis teknologi. Pergeseran ini memanfaatkan teknologi inovatif seperti IoT, blockchain, dan big data untuk meningkatkan kelincahan, transparansi, dan layanan pelanggan dalam rantai pasok, menciptakan nilai yang berkelanjutan bagi organisasi.</p> <p>Penelitian ini membahas perkembangan dan tantangan dalam bidang <em>Digital Supply Chain</em> (DSC) melalui pendekatan analisis literatur menggunakan perangkat lunak PoP. Penelitian ini mencakup pencarian data selama tiga tahun (2021–2024) dan mengidentifikasi 100 penelitian yang relevan terkait dengan digitalisasi rantai pasok. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa kolaborasi antar pemangku kepentingan, keamanan data, keberlanjutan, dan penerapan teknologi di sektor-sektor tertentu adalah fokus utama dalam studi DSC. Meskipun penelitian ini menunjukkan kontribusi signifikan terhadap pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, terdapat beberapa keterbatasan, seperti cakupan waktu dan kualitas sumber yang terbatas. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar studi di masa depan menggabungkan periode yang lebih panjang, metode kualitatif, dan kajian sektor spesifik untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam. Dengan demikian, penelitian mendatang diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan yang lebih komprehensif dan praktis untuk membantu organisasi dalam mengadopsi teknologi digital yang lebih efektif dalam rantai pasok mereka</p> Muhammad Bahrun Nujum Intan Mutaharoh Jaka Apriyani Ratih Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 87 99 10.33747/capital.v6i2.229 ANALISIS DETERMINAN OF NON PERFORMING LOAN (Studi pada Bank Umum BUMN di Indonesia) https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/226 <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the effect of LDR on NPL, (2) the effect of CAR on NPL, (3) the effect of Inflation on NPL, (4) the effect of BI rate on NPL at BUMN commercial banks for the period 2018-2023. This study is a casual associative research, quantitative approach. The population of this study, namely four BUMN commercial banks with a sample of four BUMN commercial banks and using purposive sampling technique. The research data used is secondary data in the form of quarterly financial reports for the 2018-2023 period of BUMN commercial banks. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression with the help of the IBM SPSS 26 software program. The results showed that the positive effect of LDR on NPL with a beta value of 0.047 and a significance value of 0.000. Positive effect of CAR on NPL with beta value 0.064 and significance value 0.036. Inflation has no effect on NPL with a beta value of -0.056 and a significance value of 0.286. Negative effect of BI rate on NPL with beta value -0.487 and significance value 0.000. These findings indicate that banks need to be careful in managing LDR and CAR which have an influence on NPL. In addition, banks need to monitor macroeconomic factors such as inflation even though it has no effect, and BI rate can help reduce NPL.</em></p> Nabilah Istiqomah Willa Putri Malinda Buchori Betanika Nila Nirbita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 100 115 10.33747/capital.v6i2.226 Strategi Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja: Kesejahteraan Karyawan Pengalaman Kerja dan Kinerja Sistem Informasi dalam Perspektif Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/214 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="413"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of various factors on the work productivity of employees of a motorcycle repair shop in Pacitan Regency. It was conducted quantitatively and involved sending out questionnaires to 30 of the shop's employees. The study was conducted using the Path Analysis and Descriptive Analysis techniques. The investigation results revealed that only the workers' safety and health conditions positively affected their productivity. They also stated that the work experience and occupational health did not affect the systems used by the shop. The study revealed that the direct and indirect effects of the different factors on the work performance of the employees were stronger than those of the information system. The information system could not mediate the effects of employee productivity and safety</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Muhammad Nurcahyo Sutianingsih Sutianingsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 116 129 10.33747/capital.v6i2.214 IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN USAHA TERHADAP PENDAPATAN USAHA MIKRO https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/213 <p><em>Micro businesses in Tilamuta District make the Boalemo Regency Government collaborate with banking institutions to distribute people's business credit to be able to support and develop micro businesses in Tilamuta District. This research aims to determine the impact of business management on micro business income in Tilamuta District.</em></p> <p><em>The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis using qualitative research consisting of data reduction, data presentation and data conclusion drawing.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research are that business capital and competition are determining factors in increasing micro business income in Tilamuta District. Another factor is that old businesses must be able to increase income, in addition to the use of technology and digitalization in carrying out their business activities.<br></em></p> Fibriyanti S Lakoro Sukrianto Sukrianto Samin Latif ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 6 2 130 142 10.33747/capital.v6i2.213 The IMPACT OF WAGE SCALE STRUCTURE AND WORK STATUS PROTECTION ON EMPLOYEE LOYALTY https://capital.stiesemarang.ac.id/index.php/capital/article/view/236 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>The era of globalization with the elimination of trade barriers between countries has intensified business competition. One way to survive is to increase organizational productivity starting with improving human resource performance through salaries, wages, and performance-based rewards. This study aims to analyze the effect of implementing a wage scale structure and work status protection on employee loyalty at PT Apparel One Indonesia.</em></p> <p><em>This study involved 30 employees from the order management department as a population and sample. The variables studied were the Implementation of a Wage Scale Structure (X1), Work Status Protection (X2), and Employee Loyalty (Y). Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using validity, reliability, classical assumptions, and multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, F-test, and R² test.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><em>The results of this study confirm the importance of implementing a wage scale structure and work status protection as the main factors supporting increased employee loyalty. With a contribution of 43.1%, these two variables have a significant influence in building a positive relationship between the company and employees. This conclusion highlights that a fair and employee-oriented human resource management strategy not only improves individual performance but also creates long-term organizational stability. This research provides a strong basis for companies to continue to improve related policies and opens up opportunities for further studies on other variables that influence employee loyalty</em></p> Dyah Nurul Bayu Pertiwi Siti Muzaroah Pipit Sundari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 6 2 143 159 10.33747/capital.v6i2.236